I've painted since childhood, as my father William Moise was an artist.
My studio was long ago a woodshed, and years after that, my father's painting studio. Now I paint there, across the rural road from my home. The old beams, cobwebs, and frenchdoors enfold me.
Life long memories of crackling woodstove in winter, the smell of turpentine, Glen Miller on the radio- this is the place I bring my packbasket and canvas back to after painting in nature.
Living on the Coast of Maine, I can imagine no better life for a painter. The land streches out to the West, a pasture becoming woodland, a rough path leading to the salt marsh inlet at the shore. In early summer Lupines line our driveway across the road. In fall the maple, tamarack, and oak turn brilliantly for a dazzling 3 weeks. A short drive finds the rocky shores of the Atlantic and a few miles farther, Acadia National Park.
Thank you for visiting this site. Please click on the photographs of the individual paintings to read a little bit about my thoughts and experiences related to creating each work.
Renata Reich Moise