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Image of Day Lily, Queen Ann's Lace and Vetch

Day Lily, Queen Ann's Lace and Vetch

Oil on Canvas
30" x 24"

The height of summer, a fleeting explosion of flowers in the tangled beds near the studio. Lasting only one day, the lily blooms are these years at their height 3 weeks earlier than for most of my life. Climate change is not only hard on farmers, but on plein air artists, as the previous natural calendar shifts; the apple blossoms were for 50 years began over Memorial Day weekend- now they begin 2-3 weeks earlier. The Lupine always began June 9th- now they begin in mid to late May. And the Day Lilies were once at their height in early August on the Coast of Maine at our farm-now they have all come and almost gone by the 3rd week of July.

But as a painter I can only grasp at the beauty while it appears.

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