Frenchman Bay; the Porcupines and Acadia
5.5" x 35" x 2"
Oil on Wooden Board salvaged from Hancock Point Wharf, sent to shore by the January 10th, 2024 storm that tore apart and destroyed the wharf, along with many others up and down the coast of Maine.
This is one of a series I am still working on, an artistic and historical talisman in memory of the breezy blue days walking to the floating docks, oars over my shoulder; of teenage summer nights sitting with friends on the bench under the lone street light at the end of the wharf- like we were in a magical play, and the ocean beyond part of the set.
In the aftermath, grey painted boards washed ashore. I dragged some home and cut them into pieces. This painted wooden block can sit on a shelf or table for display.
From the middle of Frenchman Bay, looking in any direction is astounding- It's like being in the most beautiful bowl of beauty one can imagine. This scene it South- the Porcupine Islands and Mountains of MDI. On a calm day, the fog still shrouds the feet of the islands- a few sail boats catch a bit of breeze- a lobster boat pulls some traps, the buoys color coded by their owners.
This is painted on the "back side" of the board fragment over a white underpainting- on the reverse side is the grey paint of the beloved wharf.
This painted wooden block can sit on a shelf or table for display- it is even made the right length to be secured over an interior door frame.
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