November Light
Oil on Canvas
24" x 22"
This painting was painted on the nearby Ice Pond Preserve. The pond was used in the "old days" for cutting ice into chunks, that was saved for warmer months in a nearby ice house packed with sawdust for insulation against melting.
As a child in the late 1960s, we all had electricity, although the refridgerator was often called the "ice box" by grown ups.
We skated on the pond (then known as Russell's Pond, for the man who owned the land at that time) as children, and I remember a huge pile of sawdust to the North of the pond, the last remnant of the old wooden shed which had held the blocks of ice until summer.
Now the Pond is a tranquil oasis for visiting on a walk, and a much appreciated home/drinking spot for wildlife.
One November day walking on the trails I found myself struck by the afternoon light coming through the spruce- so returned with supplies the next day to capture it.