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Image of Schoodic Point

Schoodic Point

Oil on Linen Canvas
12" x 18"

I'm learning to concentrate on painting while interested people watch or make a bit of small talk. It got a bit easier as the morning went on- certainly stretching my comfort zones. But absolutely worth it- in some ways focusing on concentrating helped bring forth an intense, loose, and sucessful session on the rocks of Schoodic Point- waves crashed high from an off shore storm. A lobster boat did it's work - so, as occurred in the afternoon on Grindstone Neck, I painted the boat into the work.

This painting also stimuated an interest in the pink granite, playing with Alizarin Crimson, a bit of Cadmium Medium red, Titanium White- such toxic, mesmerizing colors. Yellow Ochre another favorite for the orange lichens. Viridain in the foam of the curling waves.